Student Info Name* First Name Last Name Phone* Area Code Phone Number E-mail* I am a:* UF StudentUF Grad StudentSFC Student Major* Graduation Year* Fraternity / Sorority If applicable Are you Jewish?* Check all that apply YesNoMy Mother is JewishMy Father is JewishConverted Birthdate* Month Day Year I would like to attend:* Florida Shabbaton - April 5 - 6 @ Chabad UCF (Registration Cost $36) How will you get to UCF Chabad?* I have my own rideI'm driving my own car and I also have room for othersPlease help me arrange a ride Accommodation Options: - Stay with friends at UCF - Hotel reserved 5 min walk from UCF Chabad. ($99/night per room – 2 - 4 per room) Accomodations:* Staying with friends at UCFI would like hotel accomodations Grants* I can handle cost of registration, travel and accomodationsI would like to apply for Chabad UF Shabbaton grant Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.